Numerology and numbers combine to make the art of numerology. However numerically speaking both numerology and numbers are not the only aspects of numerology. Indeed numerology rarely differentiates between numerology and numbers.

Whole Name Number

This number is used to assess your character and also shows you how to reconcile any differences within yourself. Your name in numerology terms reduces to the No. 6 which represents the home-makers, a number of creativity and sexual union. You love the warmth of the family, but are often likely to interfere when you think you know what’s best for others. You can be perceived as self-satisfied and smug, but are good at taking responsibility.

Date of Birth Number

This number is also called your Life Path or Destiny number. Your birth date reduces to the No.7 which means you are a reflective, introspective individual and probably interested in mysticism. You find it difficult to socialise, and your tendency to meditate and spend time alone with your thoughts makes others’ perceive you as cold or distant. You prefer to live in your own little dream world. This number is an historical fact and can never be changed, though should be advantageous if you choose to follow it.

Birthday Number

Your Birthday Number is No.3 which means you are creative and fruitful as described on the Pythagorean grid. This number is also called your Psychic Number and reveals your basic personality thus:


With a 3 influencing your personality you will have a longing to express yourself in many different ways, such as by the use of your hands, through the way you speak to people or even sexually. You are likely to have a gift for making things with your hands through crafts such as writing, painting, cooking, gardening or even practising massage for healing.

You tend to inspire other people with your generosity and care-free attitude, which creates an abundance of everything whether it be happiness, loving relationships or work opportunities. As you are such an active person always "on the go" you enjoy sporting activities like cycling and running, or travelling pursuits like hitch-hiking around the world and camping out.

You love to join others in social gatherings such as works outings or meetings at the club where you can make conversation. You are confident and extrovert when in others company and you love to let yourself go! Some accuse you of talking too much. The influence of 3 on your personality can cause you to overdo things by trying to do too many things at once. Scattering your energies by over-working, over-exercising or talking too much, can work against you. It is then that life forces you to stop and think, offering you clues about where the boundaries are. Learning to judge when "enough is enough". The time comes when you learn to manage you energy instead of stretching yourself between work, family friends and activities. You realise that you need to focus on one thing at a time then you can conserve your energy and draw on it when it is really needed instead of trying to keep everyone happy all of the time.

Your sense of humour can be quite wicked and mischievous, in fact you are a natural clown who enjoys playing practical jokes. Entertaining is part of your make-up. You can easily find yourself surrounded by a crowd of people willing to become your audience. You invariably want to create fun for yourself and others and refuse to take life too seriously. With a 3 you tend not to worry about things as you believe life sorts itself out. As a positive thinker you see the good side of life and for you, things can only get better. You are the "eternal optimist".

The 3 influence makes you a bit of a "daredevil" and you like to throw yourself in at the deep-end. Whether it’s risky sports, or just taking on many projects at once, like doing a full time job, going out three nights a week, taking on a night-school course on another and travelling round at the weekend, all whilst running a relationship at the same time- some feat! You are the sort of person who can do three things at once, such as writing a letter, watching T.V. and answering the telephone all at the same time.

There is also an element of luck when making important decisions. You create so many opportunities for yourself that you become spoilt for choice. For example you could be offered a job in Italy ,a chance to study in Paris, and an invitation to live in America. Life sorts it all out for you as you discover that you are required to speak Italian if you want to take the job and you can’t do that. They can’t offer you the right course to study in Paris so that’s out of the question. So you end up living a happy life in America even though you may have to say goodbye to your English girlfriend in exchange for an American one into the bargain. You’ll know in your heart that what happened was for the best and you are so adaptable in any case, to the changing situations around you, as this is what creates the excitement and spontaneity in your life. Flexibility leads to freedom to explore all the possibilities that are open to you. You learn from these experiences, be they good or bad.

Sometimes the 3 causes you to relax so much that life slips through your fingers while you laze about on the sofa. You let some experiences pass you by as you can’t be bothered to make the effort. Often those opportunities which you don’t take may never return, and eventually you realise that if you want your life to work out for you, you must be ready to seize them as and when they arise.

The 3 can make you cynical and disappointed because things haven’t worked out the way you hoped. You can be your own worst enemy when you criticise yourself and others too. Maybe you find fault with everything and everyone, then you are not much fun to be with. However you are soon out of the "doldrums" again as you revert to your sunny nature.

At times your sense of humour can cause you to become sarcastic and you end up making fun of people. Perhaps you make them the butt of your jokes. Then life teaches you that by doing this for your enjoyment, you find that you are the one who looks stupid. The 3 can make you too casual. You love to chat and gossip about people and have a loose tongue causing you to let secrets slip out. You seem to lose control though not deliberately. Sometimes your tittle-tattle is unkind or unfair and you find that it has a habit of getting back to the subject of the conversation so they end up being your enemy. You need to remember to speak well of people and make the world go round better by you keeping everyone happy including yourself.

Learn with a 3 that if you feel trapped or misunderstood, there is a chain reaction, when one simple action of expression of creativity leads to another. For example if you learn to open up in the comfort of your home, perhaps with your family, then you will find it easier to say what you feel in your work environment.


When the 3 influences your love life, you make a great party animal who loves to socialise and have fun. You have a bubbly personality and it may be advisable for you to have a partner with as strong a character as yourself who can give as good as she/he gets, or someone who is a good listener, while you do the talking.

Your sense of humour draws many potential partners to you and you can’t resist dating more than one at a time. However you can go over the top and try too hard to impress the date with one joke too many You simply ask too much attention from them. This doesn’t upset you too much as you are rather superficial about relationships and prefer not to get too involved. Sometimes you go on appearances too much when choosing a date but this can lead to disappointment, for when you get to know them, they don’t match up to your expectations. It is only then that you learn to look a little deeper at their other qualities.

You tend to be non-committal and a bit too fickle in your relationships. You flit from one to the other while subconsciously on the look-out for the next date. You usually opt for someone who allows you your freedom. Perhaps someone who is independent attracts you. Once you have found your ideal partner you don't feel like straying any more. You enjoy having physical contact with your partner holding hands, embracing and kissing them. You like to express yourself sexually in as many ways as possible. You may like to massage each other with sensual oils as you instinctively feel drawn to him/her.


With 3 influencing the type of job you do, you are likely to enjoy a career where you can express yourself or communicate with others, such as artist, writer, entertainer, gymnast or receptionist. Alternately you may use your hands by working as a chef, a physiotherapist or a gardener. As you love travel too, a job as a courier, travel consultant, au pair or tour representative may appeal to you.



People born on April 3rd find it intolerable to be ignored. They need to be the centre of attention and appreciated for their knowledge and talents. They manage to control their environment whether at work or in the home. They usually get the required response by giving people orders in a direct manner with little fuss, and expecting them to listen. They have a natural appeal that seems to win others over without appearing to be dictatorial.

These people are very intuitive and know how to get to the root of a problem, due to their great understanding of basic human nature. Though their bluntness can upset people when giving advice, they are still appreciated for their valuable insights and often their strong physical presence reassures

3rd of April people prefer to get involved in social or group activities rather than acting in an independent way. This is because they like to feel needed and appreciated by others for their nurturing qualities. They have the power to draw together diverse and opposing elements by the force of their strong personalities, but they can favour certain people too much, making a rod for their own back, as they become too dependant on them.

Those born on this day get criticised for their naivety as they exhibit the contrasting traits of gullible and realistic, childish and mature. They believe in themselves to such a degree that they can make huge errors of judgement. However since they are so innocent in their intentions they are usually forgiven by their associates, friends and family.

April 3 people must be careful not to get stuck into a rut at work as this stops them from improving their prospects. The central position they put themselves in can become the obstacle to their growth. They must learn to turn down the projects which demand too much of their time without feeling guilty. It is very important for them to try new things and not become dependant on the approval of others.


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