astrology compatibility and love horoscopes combine with zodiac signs to form daily horoscopes. However love horoscopes and astrology compatibility also combine with daily horoscopes and zodiac signs. Daily horoscopes and zodiac signs also love horoscopes and astrology compatibility.


All the remarks in this analysis are not definite statements of fact, only possibilities and probabilities. Much depends upon environmental factors, and how you exercise your own free will when making choices in your life! Hopefully, this analysis will help you to think more deeply about who, what and why you are, as well as, why you tend to make the choices that you make. If this analysis states in several places that you have a particular trait, then the trait is likely to be very strong, as it is being confirmed by several factors in your chart. Also, if you read what appear to be conflicting statements, then this may serve to highlight paradoxes in your nature. As human beings were are full of contradictions and paradoxes, where you may act one way to certain situations, and in a completely opposite way to another.


Basic Character Traits

Your basic reaction to life, is to react forcefully, and constructively, always with an eye upon your future. You are probably quite strong willed, or even ruthless in the promotion of your ideals.

You have a good balance of active and passive elements in your chart, thus you know when to assert yourself, and when to remain in the background.

You are basically an active, ardent and enthusiastic person. Aspiring and emotionally able to burn with excitement. You are quite confident and sure of yourself, and not afraid of being the center of attention. You seek leadership in some way.

You probably enjoy being in the company of persons who stimulate your mind, opening up your world to new thoughts or ideas. The element of Air is weak or lacking, and in order to try and redress the balance, you try very hard to be an intellectual or stimulating person, but this does not come easily or naturally. You wish your head could rule your heart more often.

You are basically and naturally sensitive, intuitive and deeply emotional, and seek mainly to express yourself through your feelings. You gain joy from the simplest of things, such as a downpour of rain or a smile.

You seek to compensate for a lack or weakness or planets in Fixed signs, by attempting to be more stable and steadfast than what comes naturally. It is likely that you are attracted to people with these qualities.

Your character is versatile and adaptable. Restless and changeful with a certain duality of nature.

When young, you may have had a basic difficulty in looking at your own actions, and thinking before you act. However age, will force you to cultivate a more introspective view on life. You are also attracted to thoughtful, introspective people.

Sympathetic, adaptable, ethereal and visionary, your achievements are often the result of your sensitivity to the subtle undercurrents of your surroundings. You have an insight that allows you to penetrate the subtleties of human nature. You are likely to have some form of artistic or musical ability. You feel deeply for others especially when they are in a worse situation than you. You wish to be considered a philanthropist, and are in the main, very generous. Problems can arise through a tendency to burden your associates with problems and alienating friends by requiring constant sympathy and support.

Although good at starting things, finishing them is often another story. Here, impatience is the likely culprit. Being highly competitive, you will seek to be first and best in whatever you do. You have the ability to make a good leader provided that you constantly reflect upon the overall consequences of your actions, learning to reach out to others with consideration.

Much of your strength arises from your refusal to admit defeat. You have a zest for life that never diminishes and you aren't afraid to take chances. Even when you suffer temporary setbacks, you pick yourself up and go on as if they had never occurred.

You show a strong determination to choose your own course in life. You probably have a clear view of want and the ambition and energy to achieve it. You are extremely individualistic, and will work long and hard to achieve personal distinction and esteem in the eyes of others. An intense self awareness is shown, together with abundant vitality and a strong will.

You sometimes like to deliberately flout convention merely for the sake of causing controversy or excitement, and you usually insist on always doing things your way, because you believe that your way is the best. Unfortunately, this is not always the case! You tend to live in a constant state of excitement, making you nervous and at times highly strung, and irritable.

You are very self-willed, hypersensitive and independent.

Your self expression is hampered by a conflict between your conscious desires, and unconscious or inherited habit patterns formed throughout your life. This may manifest as a general dis-harmonising influence, or may cause you to feel emotionally insecure.

Unless there are strong indications elsewhere in this analysis, you could often be described as your own worst enemy. You are either, impulsive, with a sudden temper, stubborn, with a tendency to hold grudges, or irritable, with a tendency to fritter away your energies.

There a need to express yourself through action, and when you encounter obstacles to this self-expression, frustration and anger is generated, causing you to seek to achieve your desires by force. This tendency will naturally arouse resentment in others. You probably waste energy arguing , when you would achieve more by seeking to restrain anger and aggressiveness, while cultivating tact and diplomacy. With patience, you have the strength and ability to achieve much in your life.

Impatient with routine, you may find it difficult carrying out long range responsibilities.

Unless there is strong evidence to the contrary elsewhere in this analysis, you are likely to have a very calm disposition.

You can always see life as viewed from the other persons shoes, and can identify with all types of humanity.

You love peace and solitude, and there is an emotional and artistic attunement to your unconscious mind, which can give deep artistic inspiration, and much of your personal behaviour is motivated from the unconscious. Kind and sympathetic towards those in trouble, your own feelings are easily hurt, but you have a great deal of compassion.

I would be surprised, if you were not physically quite good looking. Your personal mannerisms and appearance are likely to be pleasing and harmonious, and through your ability to express these qualities, you are able to bring harmony and beauty to your surroundings.

You are intensely aware of the harmony or lack of harmony in whatever situation you are in, and your behaviour within that situation, is very affected by this. It is very important to you to maintain an outward appearance of peacefulness and harmony, even if you do not feel calm or peaceful.

You have a love of self-indulgence, idle luxury, and enjoy all the social niceties. The danger here, is that you may take too much for granted, or fail to appreciate those things in your life that have true value.

You assert yourself in a persistent, practical and prudent way. You first set yourself a target or goal, then using your skills of 'never say die' coolly proceed to overcome all the obstacle in your path, until you have achieved what you want.

Inclined toward reckless and dangerous sudden action, you are probably to impulsive for your own good. Your need for excitement and thrill seeking may take the form of dangerous sports or pleasures. Sudden temper and impulsiveness are faults to guard against, as you are prone to taking risks where excitement and unusual experiences are provided. Often nervous and excitable, your actions can be erratic, lacking sustained effort. Idealistic in temperament, you are impatient with your inner, desire, to overthrow by drastic means the established order of things.

Under stress, you exhibit a high measure of stamina and strength, giving you the ability to face hardships as they arise with patience, skill and responsibility.

You have a love of philosophy, religion, education, travel and foreign cultures. It is important to you that you find some philosophy, or system of thought, by which you can regulate your life. Acceptance of this 'system' will give you a deep sense of security. However, being a deep thinker, you will formulate your own standards within the ethics of the 'system' to which you subscribe, or which has been part of your family upbringing.

Also, there may be a tendency to expect others to conform to your set of values, and to regard those who do not, as unworthy of your approval.

Fond of travel, you seek to study foreign cultures.

Although you are well meaning, you are not always practical or reliable, so may often promise more than you can deliver.

You have a wonderful aspect in your chart, Jupiter sextile Uranus. This is sometimes called the "lucky aspect". I prefer to call it an aspect of "saving grace". You are often saved from disaster at the last minute, often from unexpected sources. You are lucky in sudden, unexpected ways, and you are able to realise your hopes and wishes through being open-minded and optimistic.

You also have the ability to make constructive use of any new conditions that enter your life. Altruistic, you may be active in humanitarian ways, possibly belonging to groups or organisations which are unusual in nature, but humanitarian in outlook. Changes, almost always turn out for the best, even if they seem to be quite drastic at the time.

It is likely that you have the qualities of enduring patience, steadfast adherence to principle and practical ability in business affairs. If taken too far though, you may find yourself being accused of being obstinate and "bull headed".

You may have found that situations in your life have often thwarted your ambitions, causing you to be fearful of having ambitions, in case you are disappointed yet again when they do not come off.

Your desire to transform existing conditions, may cause, or have caused, conflict with whoever is opposing the change. You may incur official disfavour from the government, if your revolutionary tendencies are directed against government or social institutions.

Your natural tendency is to be rather critical and judgmental, believing only in what you can see hear and touch, or can be rationalised. If you can open your heart to others, and offer greater sympathy and understanding, your personality will be more balanced, and life will become richer and more meaningful.


Emotional Nature

Emotionally volatile, you are quick to respond, quick to anger, and equally quick to forgive.

Emotionally, you are quite deep and intense, with a sensitivity to the moods and feelings of others that can border on the psychic. This extreme sensitivity can often lead you to imagine slights, and consequently, you are inclined to withdraw and brood. Your emotions fluctuate almost without reason, showing much instability. Domestic security and marriage are important to your emotional wellbeing.

You suffer from a volatile and emotional nature, often loosing your temper over small annoyances, especially those of a domestic nature. You need to try and develop a little more serenity in your life and exercise more self control, if you are to avoid conflicts with others.

At times, emotionally perverse, you are prone to sudden and inexplicable changes of mood. Sometimes becoming bored and throwing over one activity for another which promises more excitement and adventure.

You are lucky in that you are able to express your emotions quite constructively, and you are also sensitive towards others who are able to do the same.

Periodically, you enter phases where you seem to lack "sparkle" and suffer from depression. However, these are only phases and are soon forgotten.

You are inclined to become emotionally dependent upon others, or to have others emotionally dependent upon you. Your strong emotions ca stand in the way of objectivity.

You may have some emotional problems which are in some way connected to your unconscious mind and imagination, probably arising out of past experiences now hidden deep in the unconscious. Perhaps you exhibit escapist tendencies, always seeking and finding ways to avoid dealing with unpleasant, or embarrassing realities of life. This escapism can manifest in many ways, but most often can be seen as addiction to alcohol or other drugs, or sometimes to sex.


Mental Attitudes / Abilities

You are slow and deliberate in the formation of ideas, and once a decision is made, stubborn about changing your mind. Your thinking tends to concentrate on moneymaking ideas or artistic endeavours.

You have a strong inner drive to prove yourself through action. You are never merely satisfied to talk or think about your concerns, you are always impatient to do something about them. If you can learn to think before you act, then your energy will allow you to accomplish much. Impulsiveness and an inability to listen to advice will only tend to involve you in difficulties.

You probably consider yourself to have exceptional mental talents, but although you may very well be unusually talented in some area, your erratic behaviour or impatience may stand in your way when sustained effort towards your goals is called for. These behaviour patterns may prevent you from gaining the education and experience you need in order to make practical use of your ideas.

You have an argumentative streak, which will be greatly exasperated by the consumption of alcohol.

You seek that which is unusual and mentally stimulating, as you constantly seek to take a fresh view of the world.

Your thinking and decision making processes are very much determined by what has a practical, material or financial application, and although you are perhaps lacking in brilliance or originality, you possess much in the way of common sense. You are often slow to form opinions, but once ideas are formed, you can be very reluctant to change them. Your ability to consider only those things that are of practical value, confers great powers of concentration, such that you can ignore extraneous disturbances as if they do not exist.

In other words, you often do not perceive that with which you do not want to be bothered. If carried too far, this attitude could blind you to important matters that aught to be recognised for your own good. This attitude may also go a long way towards explaining your stubborn streak.

You have an inquiring, intellectual outlook on life, very little escaping your notice. You try to base your actions, and self-expression, upon reasoning and logic, although you don't always succeed. You probably have more than average intelligence, and are very talkative, because of an intense desire to express yourself verbally. Mentally competitive, you have much mental initiative and will-power, you like to express yourself through action. Thus, you will tend to come and go a great deal. You are also inclined to do much writing, especially if you are lonely, or have no-one to talk to.

You may have skill in your thoughts speech and writing, possibly with poetical and musical leanings. It is likely that your voice has a soothing quality, which is good for singing.

You have tremendous artistic ability, whether it be art, music or poetry. Sometimes you are truly inspired!

A mathematical skill is shown, and you are very capable of tasks which require a high degree of mathematical precision.

Generally, you tend to seek as much education as possible. However you may not have had the opportunity for a higher education, or perhaps you wasted your chances, either through laziness or an indifference to the discipline that education requires.



In your love life, you will be highly emotional and sentimental, tending to place loved ones upon a pedestal. You attract hard working, efficient partners who are able to help you manage your practical affairs. Since your hopes and wishes are dominated by an inner desire for security, you will tend to choose stable, conservative people as friends and close associates.

In love, you will be passionate, with strong sexual feelings. Compromise however, is not one of your strongest points and is probably one of the most important lessons for you to learn. You tend to be a little indifferent to the feelings of others at times, and because of this, you may not gain their support when you most need it. Bitter conflicts could then ensue.

Others may find you somewhat difficult to deal with because you are subject to sudden changes of behaviour and attitudes, which are often unexpected, and not always made for the soundest of reasons.

There may be some difficulty in understanding and getting along with the opposite sex , the cause probably rooted in family conditions in your early childhood.

You desire to nurture and protect those with whom you come into contact.

Romantic attractions and pleasures, will be heavily influenced by your imagination and emotional needs. Emotional dependency upon partners is shown, but your affections may be changeable because your emotions are unstable, tending to fluctuate.

Your desire for excitement can lead you into forming undesirable relationships or associations. If you are male, then you are likely to be a little brusque around women, and if you are female, then you may lack gentleness.

You have a strong dislike of argument and disharmony, but when your security or financial interests are threatened, you will fight quite doggedly to protect your interests.

You are likely to marry for love, no others things taken into consideration. However, you seem to need clear demonstrations of affection and love from others if you are not to feel lonely and disappointed. Loneliness and disappointment can lead to feelings of martyrdom or feelings of being used.

Because of your innate sympathy and sensitivity to the suffering of others you may sometimes be taken advantage of. You are very afraid of rejection, which may make you hesitate to express how you feel, and this may cause you to miss out on some romantic opportunities.

Socially, you may feel quite shy, which may lead to bouts of loneliness or romantic frustration. There is also a tendency to have secret love affairs, as you often keep personal and social contacts secret or behind the scenes.

A strong drive to give and receive love is evident. However, you should take care not to bestow your love too indiscriminately, or others may get the wrong impressions as to your intentions. Members of the opposite sex may mistakenly believe that you are totally in love with them, and may therefore either come on a bit strong, or turn off completely, when in fact, you just want to enjoy their company. All this will change when you find your true partner, as you will be able to lavish your affections to your hearts content, without feeling threatened, used, or trapped or unloved.

Although sometimes quite shy and retiring, you may carry on secret romances or bestow your affections unwisely. Marital happiness can be endangered through either a lack of honesty and directness, or through dubious financial or sexual involvements. It is possible that you are too idealistic in your search for a partner, seeking relationships that are hardly possible. You are quite susceptible to sexual imagery, as your imagination in this area is very strong; inflaming the passions. Very sensitive, you easily feel hurt, even when there may be no cause to.

It is likely that an involvement with a group, perhaps just a group of friends, or possibly a group with some purpose, will provide you with an outlet for your energies. It may also be the source of inner conflict. Whilst you may extol the virtues of belonging to a group, you may at the same time have much difficulty reconciling your own deeply held views and principles with those of the group.

By nature, you are a very social being, but at the same time you may feel that by being part of a group, you lose some of your individuality. However, being part of the group may enable you with more power than you would have as an individual, so you may feel it worth the compromise.

You often find yourself in disagreement with friends and associates.

Usually honest, frank and direct in your dealings with others, this attribute will bring you approval and respect. It also helps you to initiate actions that inspire cooperation, and at times, others will create opportunities for you.

Your social life may be hindered by a difficulty in expressing yourself and relating to others.

You may feel inhibited in front of others, as you lack the kind of adaptability it takes to mingle successfully. As a result, you may prefer a more reclusive kind of life.

You are part of a generation whose views about marriage, are different in that you feel there should be freedom in marriage, and that the relationship is more important than the legal contract of marriage. Therefore you are highly likely to live with your partner before, or instead of legal marriage. You have a keen insight into human relationships and motivations. However, there may be times when you are very unreliable about meeting your responsibilities.

A strong desire for freedom is shown, especially in the area of marriage and partnerships, thus, you can be prone to many ups and downs in your relationships, the need for independence standing in the way of long term commitments. You are subject to sudden changes in mood, opinion and attitude which can leave others feeling disoriented. Alternatively, you may experience this from others.

Marriage is likely to occur quite suddenly, or under unusual circumstances, and it is possible that your eventual partner may be quite unusual in some way, possibly he will be a strongly Aquarius type, as a man/woman with Aquarian traits could be quite good for you, as he/she would understand your strong need for independence, for 'love without shackles'.

Your life will be drastically altered by marriage, partnerships and dealing with others. You may attract a partner who is strong-willed and domineering, and who may manifest occult tendencies, or it may be you who is the most domineering of the two. If this is the case, you must learn to share initiative and responsibility equally. Another area to watch out for, is that you may exhibit obsessive behaviour with partners. You tend to look upon your partnerships as being very profound. This is quite possibly so, but you must keep things in perspective.

You have a profound, intuitive ability which enables you to gain insights into others, to understand motives. However, you must not allow this ability to boost the ego in any way, but rather it should be used to help build tolerance, understanding and forgiveness toward your fellow man. Always try to remember, it is the "experience" of the relationship itself which is profound, not the partner!



You tend to make money by starting new projects, and you are constantly searching for new avenues of financial endeavour. Considerable energy will be spent in the monetary area of your life, as you tend to spend money impulsively, sometimes in excess.

Emotional impulsiveness may lead to speculation through gambling or maybe stock market.

You tend to spend too much money, which could lead you into debt if you are not careful!

Because of your sympathetic nature, you may be prey to those who seek to play on these sympathies. Because of this, you should avoid getting involved in any get-rich-quick schemes, and use the utmost discrimination in all your financial and romantic involvements.

You are likely to be quite lucky financially. I am not saying that you are rich, just that money always turns up for you at the last minute, often unexpectedly. It's that "saving grace" again!

You are a person who needs discipline and hard work if you are to acquire much in the way of material possessions. During your life, you will come to feel a strong need for financial and emotional security. You probably feel you cannot be at peace if your practical affairs are not in order. Your tendency is towards frugality, usually purchasing things of lasting value, with the emphasis being upon the usefulness of the item.

You like to save money for future emergencies and for security in your old age. It is easy for you to become excessively material in outlook, so care should be taken to develop a well balanced sense of the value of material resources, or you could find yourself burdened with material possessions.

There is some indication of losses, or strange difficulties, with respect to partnership finances, insurance or legacies, through deception either by yourself or others. At times, you may attempt to falsify insurance claims, or evade paying taxes. At all times, you should seek to avoid compromising your own code of conduct in these matters. In other words, don't ever do anything as indicated here, if you feel or know it to be wrong. I am not talking about man's laws here, just those personal laws which we develop for ourselves, which may or may not comply with the laws of the land.


Working Life

Although usually meek by nature, with regard to work and service you tend to have feelings of authority, and can at times become quite domineering with co-workers and subordinates. There is a tendency to glory in the sacrifices you are called upon to make. You enjoy the experience of working with others, but although you have a great deal of vision, you are not always practical.

Although very flexible, you have the ability to be very direct in your business dealings. You aim for what you want and go for it, whilst at the same time attempting to enlarge your sphere of influence and material standing.

You are somewhat adventurous, and may enjoy work in the area of sport, or with horses, or in the country.

You will be at your best in any sphere where your natural urges are allowed reasonable expression. For example; as a boss, even if only in a small way, where noise and dash are not objected to, where initiative is needed, where cutting tools are used, dealing with metals or machinery. Anywhere, where activity and not routine predominates.

At work, and to a large extent at home, you exhibit traits of good organisation, frugality and integrity. You like to keep your financial affairs in order, but you will be better at maintaining the status quo rather than "empire building". You may inherit wealth or position.

You are able to communicate well with those in authority.

You could have a talent for singing or songwriting.

Much energy will be channelled into your working life or profession. Your desire for recognition and status is quite intense and your actions are well organised and carefully calculated to achieve concrete results in terms of money and advancement. You take much pride in doing a job correctly, and you have a corresponding disrespect for laziness and lack of ambition.

You have a high degree of self-control and discipline; able to take orders, and to give them; making the most efficient and effective use of your energy as is possible. Thus you would be well suited to working in a well-regulated and controlled environment such as one of the branches of the armed forces, nursing, police force, or perhaps the civil service.

Capable of hard work, in serious purposeful ways, your energy is seldom wasted. Tremendous will power applied with systematic patience characterises your working life. Mathematical skills are evident, as well as high ambition, as well as the will to work hard to achieve desired positions.

You may have an aptitude for teaching, lecturing, writing and publishing.

You often try to do too much at once, so that you are either overworked, or involved in situations in which your endeavours cannot be brought to fruition. In other words, it's possible you spread yourself too thinly.

Likely to be reliable and persistent in your career; likely careers could be, any job dealing with the conservation and utilising resources, such as banking, investments or insurance, or in the field of art, decoration, or possibly antiques.

You are ambitious, and will work hard to acquire money and material possessions.

Because of your tremendous will-power, you can be relentless when working towards some goal. You are able to work slowly and make fundamental and irrecoverable changes in your own and others' lives.

You have the ability to capitalise on popular trends, in order to make money.


Home/ Family Life

You are likely to change your residence many times, in fact on some occasions you may even have two homes at once! You will derive a great deal of pleasure from your family life and children. A great deal of thought will be given to domestic affairs and you tend to communicate extensively with other family members.

It may be, that your domestic life and family circumstances hamper, or in some way block your creative expression.

It is important to you that you have a place called "home". Somewhere where you can feel secure; where you can retire to, where you feel safe and snug. This is why you have this need to make every place in which you live, a "home".

There is some tendency to smother your children with love, possibly even to the point of wanting to dominate their life. You are a concerned parent, a good homemaker and probably a good cook.

Very fond of children and young babies, your chart indicates a likelihood of having many children. You may find, that at times in your life, your family, be it immediate family or otherwise, interferes in your romantic or personal affairs.

It is likely that you clash with your parents, and that these clashes carry on over into your home life.

Throughout your life, there will probably be frequent changes of residence. Your desire for emotional stimulation may upset stable domestic situations.

You have an active imagination, and can function well in domestic situations, helping you to easily maintain harmony with regards to the domestic aspects of marriage.

At times, relatives will assist you in both your working and domestic affairs.

Your home is likely to be a place of intellectual endeavour; you probably own, or will own in the future, quite a sizable library of books. You very much like to share your interests with your family. There is harmony between the domestic and working areas of your life, mainly through your ability to communicate and blend your interests into all areas of your life.

Disorderly living habits are likely.

If or when you have children, it will be quite important to you that they amount to something. You would find it disturbing if your children displayed wandering, gypsy like tendencies, or a life of inactivity.

You enjoy entertaining in the home.

As a child and young adult, the accent at home was probably one of security and comfort; a matter of fact protection, with your parents paying attention to providing all the physical security that you could want, but perhaps less emphasis on providing emotional comfort and support. Your parents would have instilled the value of stoicism, and as a result, you have probably grown up feeling that if you don't protect and stand up for yourself, then no one will.

Your work and home life will tend to be mutually supportive.


Spare Time Activities

Spare time activities should be active and competitive,perhaps even hazardous.Anything that involves the use of cutting tools, such as joinery, woodcarving etc.

You have a very fertile imagination, which could find a suitable outlet through art, music, philosophy or searching for spiritual truth. Your tendency is towards extreme idealism, which could bring many disappointments, or alternatively fling you into mystical ecstasy. Practicality and common sense is the key to realisation of your goals in this area.

You have an insight into the future, and thus you could make quite a good Astrologer because of your foresight.

An interest or talent in electronic forms of music is likely.

You probably have unusual occult, intuitive, scientific and aesthetic abilities.


General Health

You have a tendency to be low in vitality, because subtle influences tend to dissipate your energies. When feeling depressed, you will experience psychosomatic symptoms of illness. Your state of mind strongly influences your health.

Possible health problems; Head injuries, cuts, burns, scalds, headaches, kidney troubles.

There is some indication that you may be prone to breaking your bones.

Because you are somewhat impulsive, you need to exercise care when around machinery and electrical devices, to be sure of avoiding accidents


Spiritual/ Religious Views/ Attitudes

You have an unconscious desire to serve humanity and a universal awareness of the human condition. Spiritual growth will be achieved through service.

You are very fortunate, in that you are protected by spiritual forces as far as your basic happiness and safety are concerned, so that you are never completely low or down and out. Help may not come until the eleventh hour, but usually arrives nevertheless. You have insight and farsightedness and tend to base your actions upon an ethical standard of conduct.

As you grow, you will gain in confidence, making you more positive and altruistic. This attitude will in turn inspire the cooperation of others, leading to good fortune and success in later years.

You are instilled with a deep love for philosophy, religion and higher education. Usually broad-minded and tolerant in your understanding of people, there is some danger of holding extremist religious beliefs which can cause narrow-mindedness . Or maybe you experience this from other people.

An ability to understand the laws by which the subtle forces of nature are organised, is indicated. This will enable you to use these laws, either consciously or unconsciously. It's possible you have a vast comprehension of the nature of life and the universe. You will have a strong sense of destiny, as if there is some strange karmic mission which you must fulfil.

A strong interest in the occult or spiritual subjects is shown, and you may have some psychic abilities, such as clairvoyance. It is more likely though that you are very intuitive and sensitive to your surroundings, soaking up impressions from outside. You may be tempted to manipulate occult forces for personal gain, but I would strongly advise against this course of action, as no good can ever come of it. However, using your talents of sympathy ,compassion, intuition and sensitivity in helping others, will assist in attracting good karma, increasing your sense of self-worth.

Throughout your life, you will be forced to develop a conscious spiritual awareness of the need for constructive cooperation with others. Positive efforts must be made to achieve his cooperation.


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